Transfers have come and gone! I can hardly believe that it is my last transfer. Isn't that crazy? Honestly, it hasn't set in yet that President called me for the last time telling me where I'd be going. Next time it is a set destination....Floyd Knobs, Indiana! I'm not sure if you are wondering or not but I'm going to stay here in Crows Landing for my last 6 weeks! THANK GOODNESS! I'm so glad that I will be here with the people I love the most. Hna. Pimentel and I will be together as well. Not much change for the last 6 weeks. The only thing, I'm a normal missionary! No more STL title.Woohoo! haha
This week has been a really good week with lots of spiritually uplifting experience. On Tuesday I went on exchanges with Hna Alacraz. We had an amazing lesson with a lady named Antonietta. Her husband just recently got baptized and she the sisters started to teach her. She had always said that she was catholic and never really felt like changing. We felt like we should teach her the plan of salvation and it was one of the most powerful lessons ever. We were all crying and you could tell that the spirit was testifying to her that the things we were sharing were true. She really opened up and half was through we felt prompted to talk about baptism. She said she would pray and if she felt like it was what she needed to do, should would follow the prompting. The sisters called me a few days later to tell me that she had accepted a date for Feb. 27. That lesson really confirmed to me that this gospel is true. That we are able to receive forgiveness for our sins and there is no need for us to have the burdens of sin on us. We just have to turn it over to the Lord. It was a beautiful lesson.
We had many good lessons this week with Less Active members. After transfers of trying, we, or more like I, finally feel like we are getting somewhere with them. We had a lesson with the Ibarra family and Hno is getting more and more into the lessons it is crazy. Before, he wouldn't come out if we were in the house, now he asks for us to schedule lessons when we know he will be home from work. He still doesn't say much, but he is there intently listening. We have a lot of hope as to where the work will be going with him. We also had a few really good lessons with Ruben and Reyna. We have started to read with them in the book of Mormon again and Hno FINALLY said the closing prayer. It was so beautiful and the spirit was so strong. When small things like that happen with investigators and less actives it is like you won the millionaire.
This week we also had a world wide missionary training. It was one of the best meeting I have ever been to. Literally, all of my prayers were answered and I feel like I know how to be a better missionary. I have been feeling so stuck with where to go with the work and how to accomplish it. That conference answered all my questions. I'm so thankful that the first presidency was inspired to do that.
I can't wait for this transfer. We have so much work to do. I'm so thankful for this time that I've got to work.
Hermana Porter
Hna Sophia
In the car!!!
District Photo
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