Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 4, 2015

Pepe Sanchez.  Aurelio's dog.

Me and April.  She is from the service we do in the morning.

How are you liking Galt?
I still love Galt and thank goodness I am not leaving! I am staying here for one transfer more! I'm getting into the swing of things and we are finally learning how to find people. Things are getting kind of hectic again with a lot of service and new members and TRANSFERS. Transfers always throw us off for at least a week! 

Is Hna Sellers leaving?
She is. :(  She is going to Stockton...AGAIN. She is going to be serving with Hermana Carpenter. We think she might die there because she only has 3  transfers left. Although she is so excited to be going back. Stockton was her favorite place to serve in the mission and she has a lot of recent converts there. 

Who will be your new comp?
My new companion will be Hermana Flores. I think I have sent some pictures of her home. She is a super cute, tiny little asian (Filipino) and she is so stinkin funny! I am so excited to be her companion. She will get here tomorrow. 

How's the apartment living?
In the news of apartment living.....HERMANA CUESTA IS COMING BACK! I'm going to be living with her AGAIN! I love that lady so much! I got to talk with her last night and we will be having a blast. Hermana Webb is staying too so it is going to  be a party. The crazy thing is that Hermana Webb has been companions with Hermana Flores and I've lived with Hermana Cuesta so it is like we all know each other. It is going to be weird all living together but I'm SO excited for it. 

Do you still like driving?
I love driving. I am going to still be driving this transfer because Hermana Flores can't drive. At least that wont be a cause of I right?

What was your high of the week?
Alright, high of the week. So we had service in the morning and so we usually don't get language study in on those day but we really felt like we needed to start getting it in. So we found a park that we were going to start studying at. Well we went to that park and we met a guy named Paul. Paul is amazing, homeless, but amazing. He wanted a Book of Mormon so we gave him one and he started reading it. WE saw him a few days later and he was still reading it. He said that he has to read everything twice because he doesn't understand. So we went to that park again to hopefully see him and he wasn't there. We decided to leave and later that day we were on our way to a lesson and we saw a guy, Juan Carlos , there but we didn't have time to stop and see him so we kept driving and we would go back after the lesson. Our lesson was a no show so we went to our back up plans. On our way there I had a prompting that we needed to go back to the park. I thought it was to see Juan Carlos but when we got there he was already gone. I said we needed to wait because he might be in the bathroom. We waited the few minutes and we were getting ready to leave when Hermana Sellers noticed a girl sitting on the bleachers alone. We decided to go talk to her. WE taught her the restoration and then, at the end, she started to cry and said she was sitting here so alone and she just wanted someone to talk to and we were exactly what she needed. She wanted to take the lessons becasue she was looking for God but then gave up her search. We got to send her as a referral to the Galt sister missionaries. 

What made you laugh the most?
This week we bought a gallon of milk to give to our district leader, Elder Anderson. He LOVES milk. He buys 3 gallons a week and drinks all of them. He also loves deer. So we drew deer all over the milk and then we made brownies and brought the milk to correlation. It was quite a good time. We couldn't stop laughing because he was SO happy about the milk. 

What is the best thing about being a missionary?I seriously love everything about missionary work. The good the bad and the ugly. It is all my favorite. The change is slow and it is hard but it is totally worth it. The change is slow with everyone. The mission has taught me patience. It is ALL in the Lords time. 

I love all of you so much. I can't wait to talk to the family this week. 

I am going to skype sunday sometime after 4. I am going to call on saturday night with definite plans. Okay

Les quiero,
Hermana Porter

A semi we saw.  We loved it!

 Us and the Milk.  haha  We thought we were so clever.
H. Silva.  I LOVE HER!  She is Ruben's aunt.

The Ku's.  I LOVE THEM so much.

One of the last pics of me and Hermana Sellers as companions.

Andres, he is Ruben's little brother.

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