Thursday, April 30, 2015

April 27, 2015

The dog we found.  Hermana Sellers had to take the back seat.

This has been the most bizarre week of my life. Missionary work wise we have been on on fire I mean we found a golden investigator.

His name is Ruben and I love him soooo much. He was sent in the exact time that I needed him. So the story of Ruben.....

Ruben is the nephew of a less active that we have been teaching the whole time that I have been here. He is 18 and kind of looks like a skater dude (I'll send a picture next week). He has only been in the states for about 18 months and so he doesn't speak English very well. Anyways, since the first time that I walked into that house I have felt like I needed to talk to him but it just never happened. Every time I would start I would get so nervous and shut down. I didn't know what to say to him and all my communication skills were going out the window and I didn't know what to do because I knew we HAD to talk to him. 

Well this week we went on exchanges and I told Hermana Webb that we HAD to talk to him. So we walked in and she was like "Ruben, you want to join us." and he was just like, sure. Anyways we just watched the Restoration DVD with him and he LOVED it. We were watching it and his phone went off probably 5 times and he didn't look at it ONCE. ( that is a pretty big indicator of someone's true intent...especially a teenage boys.) We finished the DVD and he was just soaking it up. We then taught him about the Book of Mormon. I read to him Moroni 10:3-5 and he loved it. He jumped up (literally) and grabbed his bible and said "Where is that at?" We then got to read the introduction of the Book of Mormon with him. When we got to the last 2 paragraphs we explained that these were our favorite and to pay attention to what it told us to do. We read it with him and the we said "what did you think about it, Ruben?" He just looked at us and said "WOW.....just WOW." and then we said what do you need to do? and he readily said "Read this book!" We asked him to be baptized on the 16 of may and he accepted. 

WE got to go back that Saturday and teach him again. The lesson was a little rocky but he still loved it. He bonded really well with Edward (a youth from our ward) and they became pretty good friends. We invited him to come to church on Sunday. Well, Sunday came and he didn't come. I was really upset because we even called to remind him. His aunt said that she'd see if he wanted to come. Well they didn't come so we went knocking at there door. Hna Sliva answered and said that she was really sorry that they didn't come. She then took us into the back yard where Ruben was on top of the house with his dad and uncle and they were re-roofing that house and building a roof for their porch. She said that Ruben had really wanted to come to church but his dad had made time stay home because it was his only day off work and they really needed him help to finish the roof. Suddenly all my anger was gone! They said that they would be there next week. I'm super excited for the next lesson we have with him

On with the week. 

Last night we had a lesson with the Esparza's (probably my favorite family here in Galt) and as we were driving there we found a dog on the side of the road. I hopped out of the car to see if it was okay and it came up to me. We were standing in the middle of the road so we almost got hit by a car. Finally I coaxed the dog over to our car and it just hopped it. He sat shot gun and Hna Sellers got booted to the back seat. We took him to the Esparza's and they just died laughing. They told us it was their neighbors so we took it over to them. Well...the owner of the dog opened the door and he was straight up naked....well he had a speed-o on but it wasn't leaving anything to the imagination....he was super startled to see that it was us but really grateful to see his dog. That was a thrilling experience. 

Those have probably been the best experiences of the week. Plus, when we were at the Esparza's we got to try pigs feet. They actually weren't that bad. Not at all. We also watched the Mormon message "The Hope of God's Light" with them and Luis was there and really like it. No response like last time but he still really liked it. It was actually the first time that we had seen Luis since he came to church. It was funny actually because a few visits ago Hna Esparza told us that Luis was scared of me. We were like "What? Why!?" and she said "Because of what happened last time." We died laughing. 

On with the week. It has been pretty hard with losing Grandpa. It is the hardest in the morning during studies and also at night. When I am out to work I don't think about it too much but when I have time to process what has happened I get pretty sad. I'm working on it though. I think everything will just take time. I feel really silly a lot of times because he was a grandparent and it is normal for grandparents to pass away but for some reason it is really hard for me. I'm just so grateful for the knowledge of the plan of salvation. That though our righteous efforts we can see each other again. God has a plan for everything and He know where grandpa needs to be right now. I'm grateful that I get this chance to be here on earth and continue to grow and choose the right so that one day I can be with Grandpa again. Things are hard right now because we are missing someone that we loved, a lot. But through time things will become easier. 

Thank you so much for you prayers and all the efforts at home. I love you all so much. 

Hermana Porter

Pigs Feet

The Esparza Family

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