Tuesday, April 14, 2015

April 13, 2015


So I forgot to put this in my email last week but here it is. So, I cant remember if I mentioned the fact that I am driving now. Hna Sellers and I decided it would be because for our companionship because I am the worst back seat driver in the world. Anywho, we were driving and I pulled into the chicken lane because we were trying to find a house that we got a referral for. (By the way, it was almost 9:00 so it was pitch black.) I slowed down and we realized that we had missed it so I kept driving so that I could pull onto the next street. Well in the mist of all of this I didn't realize that there was a police car behind me. It was super confused about what I was doing so it kept driving but then once it realized that I kept driving too, it stopped, got behind me and pulled me over. I was mortified.....

By the end of it I had a ticket for $100 for unsafe driving. Can you believe that? Me, unsafe driving. Ugh. I was so mad. Now I understand James' and Brad's annoyance for tickets. 

ALSO, this week a little yellow ! came on it our car. We didn't have time to fix it before so we went into dinner and when came out our tire was completely flat. We didn't know what to do so we went back in to get Hno Ku (our ward mission leader) to help us. It was really funny because Hno Ku is the little tiny man but he was amazing at changing the tire. He was cracking a lot of jokes to. It was a great experience for all of us. After we got the spare on we took an hour drive home on the back roads. ( We were in Lodi and we had to get back to Galt. WE also couldn't exceed the speed limit of 45.) It was quite the experience. We have a lesson every Sunday night with Luis and Teresa. They are a really old and don't quite understand what we are saying. They get really mad if we try to drop them so we are kind of looped into it. We showed up late and they were mad. But we told them what had happened and they understood. It was a quite and eventful Sunday. 

It was also a little sad for me this Sunday because it was Stake Conference. Let me tell you, I don't like stake conference one bit with out dad. It just isn't them same. I miss the tension in the air leading up to that weekend and the unexpected fights that break out. I really miss it. Also, it is a little bit trunky seeing all those families together. But the plus to this stake conference is that I MET BROTHER HURST! Finally, after 3 months in Galt we meet. It was a little bit awkward but it felt like a little bit of home was with me. (I have no clue why because I have never met him before. I think it is just the association with home.) 

This week was awesome though. We had exchanges and I was with Hna Bowen. I learned so much from her. We added 2 investigator and two really good lessons.

1. ESTELA. We had a lesson with Her and Hna Paniagua. We taught her the plan of salvation and the spirit was so strong. It was really amazing. Hna Paniagua was able to explain everything that she didn't understand and answer all her questions. Hermana Paniagua knows how to explain it so simply with really good examples. She really should go on a mission. Here is a miracle that happened with Estela. We were knocking on her door and she wasn't answering. We had been by the day before but she didn't answer either. We saw her husband and he said that she was feeling really good so she went out but we could come back the next day. So we came back and were knocking and she wasn't answering. We knocked the usual 3 times and started to walk away. Then I felt like I needed to leave a note. As I was writing the note, she walked up and we were able to have our lesson wit her. If we had just walked away, we wouldn't have been able to have that lesson. The Lord really knows everything we need to do. He helped us out big time with that. 

2. Hugo. We didn't get to add him as an investigator because we wasn't willing to have us back but I don' think I have ever felt the spirit so strong in a street contact. Me and Hermana Bowen were super bold with him and it was amazing. It was really sad because he felt the spirit. He was even crying but when we asked if we could come back, he said no. It was an odd experience but we prepared him really well with it. 

This week we also had one of the biggest experiences of my mission this week. It was like big big. I don't feel comfortable putting all of it on here but I'm going to write mom a letter and she will let you know about it. But it ended up with the whole Esparza family coming to church on Sunday.  Mom, Dad, Luis, and Yesse. All of them were there. was like....WOW. I still am in shock from it. The Lord loves each of his children and he knows what they need and exactly when they need it.
Anyways, we had an amazing week and I cant believe how many miracle we have seen. I wish I had time to tell you about all of them.

I love you all so much,

con amor,

Hermana Porter.

P.S. I didn't actually get a $100 ticket. It happened on April Fools so i figured i should make it into some sort of joke. The police just wanted to make sure we were okay and didn't need any help. 
Me and a Puppy :)

Car Fun

Me practicing.  I am the only pianist the ward has :/.........

 Cheese tasting with the Crosiers after a long hard day.
Tire Changing Pictures


Stake Conference.  Aurelio really gets jazzed up for church. :)

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