Monday, April 27, 2015

April 24, 2015 Grandpa Memories

I'm not really sure where to start or what to say. I guess I'll start off by saying I really wish I was home right now. I'm not sure how things would be different or that things would even be better but I'm just sad I am not with the family during this hard time. In some ways I knew this news was coming. When I saw the 3 missed calls from President Jardine this morning I knew exactly what they were about and I was struggling for some way to react. I could demand for a plane ticket home or do a million other rash things but all I could muster was to cry.

I think we all know that Grandpa meant a lot to me. We all thought it was pretty weird that I would call him often and just talk to him but now reflecting on it, I'm glad I chose to spend my time that way. I know everyone thought it was really weird and to be honest, I thought it was weird at first too but here is the reason behind why I started it. 

I had never understood why other kids talked so much about their grandparents. They loved their grandma and grandpa and going to their houses for dinner or for vacation and I never felt that. Well at least not with grandma and grandpa porter. Grandma Helen lived close so that was easy. I was ok to go there during spring breaks and what not but I wasn't thrilled. And for some reason when I was 15 or 16 I decided I wanted to make calling Grandma and Grandpa a priority. They were people who where suppose to be important in my life and I wanted them to be so I started acting like they were. 
I learned so much from Grandma and Grandpa over those calls and I was so happy to finally have a relationship with them. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world.

The topics that made it into most every conversation when grandpa was there...

G- "Hannah, you have a boy friend yet?"
H- " no net yet grandpa." 
G- "good. those school boys aren't good enough for you anyways. They're are silly and not going anywhere in life anyways."
H- " yeah grandpa, you're right."

For some reason we also always talked about NASCAR. I hate NASCAR and I know nothing about it but Grandpa loved it. We would sit out on the back porch and watch it and he would try to explain to me what everything meant and what all the different colors on the screen indicated. As a 16 year old I didn't really care and now as a 19 year old I still don't really care but I loved that I got to be with Grandpa. I got to see his passion for something that he loved and I'm so grateful I got to see that side of him. 

As I was pondering the time I had with Grandpa a few experience came to mind. 

One was when Obama was running for President the first time. Grandma was so excited and she was going to vote for him. We were all sitting out by the back door when grandpa walked up wearing a "nObama" hat. Grandpa started teasing grandma and she got mad and it ended with some cures words. 

Another was a time that mom, dad and I were traveling to Texas. Grandpa was so anxious for us to get there he probably called us every hour to see where we were. At one point he called my phone and i didn't answer so it went to voice mail. Well my voice mail was in Spanish because James had just gotten home from his mission and I thought it would be really cool to have a voice mail in Spanish. Well grandpa called and the voice mail said something to the effect of "Well I had no clue what that just said. Was that even English?" Then he rambled on for a little longer about who knows what. We all thought it was pretty funny. 

One I don't think many will remember is that Grandpa always told me he fought along side Elvis in the war. I thought that was SO cool so I told all my friends. No one believed me and so I told them I'd bring in a picture. Turns out, grandpa never fought in the war WITH Elvis just in the same war AS Elvis...I'm not sure if I miss understood or if he was just pulling my leg. 

Grandpa and I shared a love for ice cream. However I like any kind of ice cream but grandpa was a bit of an ice cream snob. He would ONLY eat Blue Bell ice cream because it was the best. It will always be the best to me. 

My last memory is one I'm probably most grateful for. One time I went and spent a week with them in Texas and every single day I was there, for breakfast and lunch I would have spaghetti. Grandpa was amazed about how much spaghetti I could eat. Every other time I visited they ALWAYS brought up that visit. I will forever be known as the spaghetti eater! 

This letter isn't very good and it is probably because I can't see the key board or screen from my tears but I just felt like I needed to give a little part of what grandpa meant to me. He was my role model and I'm so glad I got to be his friend and spend some time with him. I learned how to have fun and work hard at the same time. Grandpa always was telling jokes and I think I got some of my personality from him. Grandpa is and will forever be one of the best people I will ever know. He was the only grandpa I ever knew and I wouldn't trade that for the world. 

I love you grandpa. I hope they have carving in the spirit world! haha

We all just have to give good lives so we can be with him again. Right? Tell the whole family that I love them. I really wish I could be there. Tell Grandma she picked a good one and that I love her SO much. Give her a big hug for me. Don't worry too much about me. It is going to be hard for a few days but hopefully in a few days it will be better. I know grandpa is happy now and he is about of pain so that makes me happy. Tell dad that I love him and that I'm so sorry. There aren't really comforting words to give but I loved grandpa and so did so many other people. He brought joy everywhere he went and I don't think there is a soul in the world who didn't love him. 

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