Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015


I lost my tooth again at a member dinner. Luckily I have no feeling in it because we cannot superglue it back on. It doesn't line up right. I did, however, receive revelation through dream that I should put my tooth in my retainer and wear it like that! Guess what, IT WORKS!! haha. This picture is mostly for Jessica.

Dear Family,

Questions first,

1)  How was your first week with the new companion?

Good. It is really hard for me to adjust to having a new companion. A lot harder than I thought it would be. I have to get used to the way she breath, sleeps, and walks and talks. I have to get used to where she puts things in the bathroom etc.. It is really hard. We do things way different than me and Hna Hurley did them so it is a really weird adjustment. Some of the things that we changed, I like, others I don't like so much. The adjustment has been harder than expected but it isn't unmanageable. It just wasn't what I was imagining it to be, if you know what I mean. 

2)  Most of us fasted for your Spanish to come quicker and for people for you to teach.  Amanda fasted the 28th and the Harward's and Dad and I fasted this week.  Any results yet?
I feel like I can speak a lot more Spanish and I understand a lot more. I think it is because of the fast! Specially the one on the 28th. Once I had Hna Gigger as a companion it just started to flow. I think it also had something to do with she didn't know how bad my Spanish was or how good it was so I could just start over. Hna. Perez said I am speaking a lot better. I fasted for it yesterday as well and last night in our lesson I don't think I've ever spoke that much good Spanish! I also understood almost everything!  The fasting has worked!! What a miracle! 

3)  What has changed the most since getting the new comp?

We have a huge new area with tons of new investigators. SO that part of the fast was answered as well. Hna Gigger and I decided we wanted a baptism on the 31 of January and so we've started fasting and praying for that. One way that was answered was by the adoption of this new area! We've gained 5 or 6 new investigators from it! 2 are REALLY solid. There is just a few things holding them back but they said they really want to be baptized. WE haven't met all of our new investigators yet but we hope to soon!

4)  How is the re-activation work going?  Is the one guy still going to Seminary?

Reactivation is going great! I'm not sure if Rafael went to seminary today. It was the first day back from winter break so there hasn't been seminary in almost a month. We are going over to their house tonight for FHE and we're going to talk about it then. We are seeing miracles with Hna Perez's son Jonathan. He sat down with us again last night and ate dinner with us! WOW and then he participated in the spiritual thought, again! Two weeks in a amazing! We hope to see him as well. This is a lot of progress considering 3 weeks ago he would barely talk to us! We are so thankful for him. 

5)  What is the weather like out there?

Not to bad. It is chilly. I have to wear tights and when the sun goes down a winter coat. It gets really windy and those days are bad. But other than that, not too shabby. The low has been 48 and high 60.

6)  Can you give a few examples of how you see the hand of the Lord in your life?

Literally, in every single way possible. It is crazy how He just guides us to people daily. We met a guy named Jesus a few weeks ago and now we are teaching his WHOLE family! He lives with his wife and then there is his son and his wife. We are teaching both families and I know that I because of the lord. The Wife of the son was not interested when we stopped by a few weeks ago but she is now. MIRACLES I TELL YOU!!!  

Also he helps me feel a lot of comfort when I make mistakes. I know that before my mission when I would do something wrong I'd beat myself up about it for a long time. Now I just think, whelp it is something to learn from and I try to make it better. Plus, I hardly cry anymore when people correct me! also, what a miracle. 

Also, I really like people now. I thought I'd have a hard time adjusting to being around people 24/7 but I'm not. I actually miss people when there aren't people around me. 

Is that enough? 

7)  Who is in your apartment now?
It is Hna Gigger and myself and then Hna Cuesta and Hna Hurley.  Hna Gigger is the only new one! 

I actually covered everything I wanted to cover in the email in answering my questions...SO that's awkward. But it has been a great week and I am learning a lot. I love this opportunity to serve the Lord. The more I am out here the more I love it. Everyday I find something I love and it makes me sad that everyday I am getting closer to leaving. This is the last thing I wanted to add before I'm done...copied and pasted from my letter to President. 

I love you all! I hope you are doing well! 


Hermana Porter. 


I've been having a hard time this week just adjusting to everything and one thing I thought last night, while on follow up call, is that I just need to forgive myself and then forget myself. Elder Ward asked me how it was going in our area and Hna Gigger said "Great!" I thought, "No it isn't, this is wrong and this is wrong...everything is wrong."

I expressed that to elder ward and he had some really great responses that I can't remember but what I remember thinking to myself is "Forget yourself, Hna Porter. Think about those in your area and your companion but not how you're feeling. " Talk about a slap to the face...but it actually helped me a lot. I feel like I was focusing a lot on myself and not on helping those around me. I was thinking about how comfortable I was not how others were. I was not being Christ like. I need to forgive myself and then forget myself
Hna Hurley, Elder Harris, me.  Before Elder Harris left to go to Stockton.  I miss this Elder (I took over his area)

Hna Hurley, Elder Echanique, and me before he went home, to Dubai!


 Last selfie as a companionship!                                      Hna Sheffer!  I miss her so much! She                                                                                           went to Stockton as well.
The Last District Photo.... goofy, of course.

The Good Last District Photo.... serious, of course.

Elder Ross, he left too but I am not sure where he went.  El Dorado, I think?

Elder Packer left!  We cried when we found out.  We LOVE him!  He also went to Stockton.
Our awkward pic with Elder Packer.

Elder Gove before he left.  I believe he went to Tracy.  Also, another reason we didn't glue my tooth back in is because he is gone..... just joking. jaja

My root canal.

President/Doctor Moser

She caught me off guard!!!

I can't remember if I sent these...... my last pic with Diana.  She left for college on Thursday!!  I'm so depressed.  Only 15 months until I'm out there and being her roommate at BYUI!

Jose!  Luckily he stayed!  He is so awesome!

The Rodrigues Family!! 

Jonathan LOVES Thimble Full of Water!

They try to act like they are too cool for Thimble Full of Water.... but the love it!!!


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