Friday, October 30, 2015

October 26, 2015


This week has been so crazy. It has been a big blur.

So, Tuesday we went to the New Missionary Meeting. All of us learned so much while being there and we were excited to apply it. Something I have been struggling with is knowing how much to force obedience on my companions. I have NO backbone and I just decided to lead by example and I did everything that I knew I should and I prayed they would catch on. At the meeting all the things I felt like I needed to address they said they wanted to fix on their own. I was so grateful for that. I didn't have to speak up! 

Thursday we had district meeting and we left feeling pretty lousy about ourselves. Our contacting needed to be better and we should have just been working harder. We felt pretty lousy even though we had improved a lot. On the way home I saw this crazy man and I felt like we should pull over and talk to him. We did and we didn't talk to him but the Lord showed us that we were there for another man. We didn't get to add him but we did get to talk to him and he took a restoration pamphlet with our number. Then after that we went to dinner and tried really hard to talk to them about spiritual things and the experiences they have been having. The Hna had gone out with the relief society counselor that day and we felt inspired to ask her to go visit less actives with us that evening. She said yes and it was amazing. The spirit was so strong in all of our lessons and we met a lot of people who weren't even on our radar.  That day a member called us and told us that her less active daughter was ready to come back to church and her children wanted to be baptized. We were reaping the blessings of trying our hardest to be exactly obedient.

Friday we had a horrible weekly planning session. We struggled through and I was getting angry and the Hnas could tell. We were there till 4 and didn't get anything accomplished. The next day we watched all The District segments on planning. We felt like we needed to work on our area book and go back to planning. We did and it was the best planning session I'd had my entire mission. I'm so grateful that we did that! We got so much done and we are so prepared for the week. 

Sunday was disastrous. The morning went well and all was good until we went to dinner. Hna Martinez started to feel sick and went to the bathroom. She was in there for a really long time and so I went to check on her. She opened the door and she was shaking hard core. Guess what, she was having a panic attack. That was crazy. We were there and she was throwing up and it was loco. We went home and then Hna Maya had a panic attack. I really needed to be in two places at once but I couldn't be. I called the STL and they came over asap and President called. Elders also came over to give them blessings. We think it was just a mixture of stress and homesickness. but ya know. WE didn't get to go out to work Sunday. We hope it gets better soon. 

That is how my week went. Also, all of you are slacking on writing me. I now have 20 weeks left but come on. Sisters still need love. 

Alright, love you all.

Hermana Porter.

Lucy got baptized!!

Cutest kid ever. (I can't decide)
Cutest kid ever. (I can't decide)

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