Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 19, 2015

I don't know, too much pressure, I can't think! -Elder Graham. ‏

This week has been pretty uneventful! I got the flu. Apparently, when you are feeling a little ill to being with, you aren't suppose to get the flu shot. I didn't know that so according to President Palmer I "made an Elder decision." Monday, we went to dinner with our Branch President and his family and then afterwards I was feeling really sick and I was starting to get a bad cough. The sisters took me home and made me take my temperature, it was 101.5. I swear, I've never had a temperature before. They were freaking out because apparently that was "high" they took good care of me because my temperature kept climbing until about 12:00 that night. The next morning we woke up early to go to Zone Conference in Modesto. The assistants and President and Sister Palmer gave a really good training on the Sabbath day and also making sure we are talking to everyone. I got really motivated to talk to everyone. Unfortunately I was sick all week so I haven't got to apply anything that I've learned but I did learn a lot because I went on a district marathon and I watched basically all of the district multiple times. It made me super motivated.

To be honest, I was feeling a little down on my self this week because I was trapped in the house. I just started thinking about all the time I've wasted while on the mission and the stupid things that Satan puts into your head when you're sick and can't leave the house. As I was pondering the crappy job I've been doing at training and being a missionary and all the thought came to my head "Isn't that the beautiful thing about the atonement?" My despair turned into peace automatically and know that is one of the simple truths that I was forgetting in that moment. I started thinking about all the things I had learned from my past transfers and what that has done to make me the person I am today. I can honestly say, that if I had not been through those transfers I would not be who I am today and I would not know what I know. The great thing about the atonement is that I can do what President Uchtdorf said at conference and start where I'm at and get better. I know that the Lord loves me and that He is helping me learn all that I need to become a good sister, daughter, mother, and wife one day. I know everyday I can start over and I just pray the people around me can see that I'm striving to do my best. 

This week I've also been reading in Mosiah and I keep thinking, every time I read, how important it is that we follow the good examples in life. King Zeniff was such a good example to the people and they loved him and they followed the ways of righteous but then, as soon Kind Benjamin was in charged people saw wickedness as acceptable and they couldn't remember what had happened and good they had been taught just months or years previously. It was a testimony to me that we cannot stop doing to little things and the good things, because if we do, Satan creeps in and we start to loose those good habits that we had before. 

Sorry this is short, but I didn't have a lot go on since I was in for 5 of the 6 days this week. 

I love you all. Hope you have a great week. 

Hermana Porter. 

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