Friday, November 28, 2014

November 27, 2014

You're welcome (;

This week I want to focus my letter on all that I am thankful for. I was thinking about it today during study time and there is a ton of things that I am so blessed to have in my life. 
One thing that I am so blessed to have is a wonderful family. I am amazed every day by how wonderful ya'll are. I am just so blessed to have a family that supports me in whatever I want to do. You were 100% behind me when I wanted to serve a mission are you are still back there supporting me even when I am gone. God has truly blessed me with the most wonderful family in the world. We have our struggles but we get through them and usually with a smile on our faces. I am glad we are all friends and we take the time to help one another out. You are my best friends and I love you. I am so thankful to Heavenly Father that we get to spend Eternity together. 

I am also thankful for this opportunity to serve a mission. I know that I have the ability to do great things out here in Cali. The Lord has blessed me greatly with a mission call that is specifically for me and also great companions and great house mates. Everything, in time, works out to be perfect for me. He is giving me the challenges I need to learn and grow he is also helping me help others. If I listen to him, I have the chance to serve other and change their lives forever. 

I am just so grateful. We have great lives and sometimes we take that for granted. I am so grateful for ALL that I have. 

Funny Moment this week. 

We FINALLY got the Mom from the Ramirez family to come to church this week. We showed up around 8:30 to help her get the kids to church. We showed up 40 minutes late to church but that was okay because we had her there. We listened to the last 20 minutes of sacrament meeting but that was okay because we still has the last 2 meetings left. Well, her son started to cry and throw a fit on the way to primary. We made it into the primary room when he then start to cry so hard he made himself throw up. We were laughing SO hard and so was Hna Baltazar, the primary president. Hna Ramirez was so calm about it as well. It was crazy and really funny. 

I love you all and I hope you have a great holiday season. 

Hna Porter. 

Sarah Faulstick
Hno Solomon
Hna Skidmore
Diana Ochoa
Hna. Baltazar.
Gloria Nelly
How's the new roommate?
She is great. Her name is Hna. Cuesta and she is so funny. There was a bit of an adjusting period because we all missed Hna. Skidmore so much. Hna Skidmore is back in town through so we will see her and meet her family tonight at dinner. We are really excited to see her again. Hna Cuesta is really funny and super great. 

Did you get the package with your IPod?
I did! Thank you SO much. You didn't have to send all you did until Christmas. But I know you are a bit of an over achiever. We LOVE listening to David Archuleta (Glorious). We basically only listen to him, haha. 

What are some things you need?
I don't NEED anything. Some things I'd like are Mini PMG both Spanish and English. And if you could some how find a Spanish scripture case that would also be great. I really only need one for my Book of Mormon. I would also like my tiny black scriptures. I think I am pretty much good. I'll make a list and send it next Monday if I think of anything else. 
What makes you the happiest?
Everything. I am basically happy all the time, shocking, I know. haha I love being home at night with the other sister. I also enjoy long walks on the beach and Chinese food. haha Just kidding. I love getting to talk to Hna Sheffer also. She is so great and it is just so chill. I also love teaching English lesson so I know what is going on. 

Did you ever get your skirt from that lady who was making it?
I did. I'm wearing it now actually. I will send a picture. It is SO cute. I love it. 

How's it going with your companion?
Good. I've been struggling a lot this week. Patience is so hard. I'll tell you more in my letter home. 

Do you ever do splits?
Yeah. Had one yesterday. We can only do it twice because there is only one set of sister missionaries. Yesterday I was with Hna Sheffer. Is was so great to get a break. We both got some things off our chest that we've been needing to talk about. She is such a GREAT missionary. She inspires me so much. It is nice to just change it up every once in a while as well. Miracles also happen on splits.

Do ward members go out with you?
Sometimes. It is really hard because we don't know about our lesson until last minute. They are really good about coming to the lessons we do have. The members support us in so many ways it is crazy. 

Any new investigators?
I can't remember who I have told you about. There is Lula and Elizabeth. They are neighbors and they listen together. Lula has 2 sons and Elizabeth has 1 daughter. They are awesome. We had a lesson with Lula last week and it went SO well. She told us that she believes in Joseph Smith because she said that it would make sense that God would call a prophet in these days too. We extended the invitation to be baptized and she said maybe. She has already been baptized and that is hard for her to understand. She is out of town for a week through so it is hard to see her. 

Also, Ramiro and his girlfriend Marina. I am not allowed to tell details because it could get into trouble. But he has had a REALLY rough past. A lot of things had happened to him and he really wants to change his life around. We had 2 lessons with them and they went GREAT! One was a member present as well. YAY They accepted a baptism date for Dec 27 but it is super conditional. They have some things that they will need to work out first. We love them so much. They are fantastic. 


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