Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 18, 2014

I felt exceptionally cute, so I took a missionary selfie

1.  Did you get the package with your IPod yet?  I insured it for more so I want to make sure it gets to you.
I haven't gotten it yet. They put the mail on hold at the mission office because of transfers. I should get it sometime this week! (P.s I'm saying put. Hna. Hurley was made Sister Training Leader but that was the only change.)

2.  If so, what did you think of all the stuff?
3.  Are you getting transferred? 
Nope. Staying in the same place. :)

4.  Is anyone in your apartment getting transferred?
Hna. Skidmore is going home :( So we are getting a new missionary. Her name is Hna. Cuesta and she will be Hna Sheffers new companion and will follow up train her. 

5.  What is the weather like?
It is pretty cold here. By cold I mean 50's. I am starting to need tights through, which I don't have, and a jacket. I think I will need my green winter coat! haha

6.  What do you love most about being a missionary?
I love interacting with the members and learning about their lives. Strengthening the ward really brings me comfort and I know as I strengthen them it will prepare more people to come into the church and stay active. 

7.  Did you like riding your bike last week?
Yeah, but I broke it. So the Elders are going to fix it for me. I somehow broke the seat off. Elder Wright said that, that it happens a lot with new bikes. 

8.  What do you do for exercise each morning?
We go to the park and walk around. The past couple of day we have been playing basketball with the Elders. 

9.  How much do you walk every day? (are you still wearing your fit bit?)
I am wearing my fit bit but I have no clue because it refreshes before I get home every night. My guess is about 10000. 

10. How hard is it to get up in the mornings?
Not that hard at all. It is hard not taking my time to get up. But its almost like second nature now. 

11.  Are you cooking much?
Not really. The members feed us a lot. I make a sandwich for lunch every day and have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 
 Sunday.  We sang a song in church as we all matched.

 Diana, me, and Hna. Gomez at the RS Activity
We had FHE with the Ramirez family. They are slowly progressing. Hna said that she would come to church this week. We were so stoked. Her commitment was to pray this week. Yesterday she came to the Villalobos for FHE and Hno. V said to her that she had to set the example and start going and her husband would follow. Latinos are so bold but it isn't offensive. IT is crazy.

I met a guy named Ivan today. He was so great. We didn't add him but that is okay. He is one of those people who you can see the burden in his face. You know they are searching for something but they don't know what. He asked us to pray with him. He is going through some family things but said that we could come back soon. 

We had a R.S. activity tonight and it was so great. We gave the spiritual thought. I spoke in Spanish in front of the whole ward. It was crazy. They all said they could understand me too. WOW 

We met Ramiro today. He said that he had lost everything. He had to move into his girlfriend's parents house and everything. He is getting his feet on the ground. His mom kicked him out and he lost the job he had. He said that we were an answer to his prayers. 

We also met Ricardo and his family. We were super excited for them but when we went back for the return appointment they didn't want much to do with us. They said that they decided they were catholic and they didn't think they'd change. 

We got told by the dad of this girl named Tiare. He came out and was like, my daughter feels pressured that you are making her go to church and want her to be baptized and all this stuff. We are catholic and we don't mind sharing stuff peacefully but we don't force stuff. 
Weird things was that was our first stop by. 

We started teaching someone in a nursing home. It is pretty weird. We are surrounded by a bunch of people the whole time because she shares the room with 3 other girls. It is so weird. 

We had the ward party. It was a blast. There were tons of investigators there and it was a major success. We had a great time dancing and eating food. Spanish Ward Parties are so different than English ward parties. 

We also had a lesson with a lady named Selena. She babysits a lot of kids and the kids love us. These two little girls are SO cute. Selena isn't really interested but she is great. She has a lazy arm and leg but she also takes care of birds as well. She does so many crazy weird hobbies. 

Like none of our ward was there because they were all sick from the ward party. Hna Hurley had to leave church early she was so sick. Not much happened during this day. 

Sunday night we had a FHE with the Rodriguez family. We had the kids plan the lesson and then we did the game. We played the thimble game and it was a major success. ALL the kids loved it including the too-cool-for-school 15 year old boy. The dad was just cracking up the whole time. Thanks for teaching me that game mom! haha

Just FHE with the Villalobos and the Ramirez. 

I am kind of having writers block. I'm sorry. 


Last night we saw a really bad accident and we asked if they needed help. This black lady said no. I asked if anyone had called the cops. She then responded with "I didn't call the cops, they didn't call the cops, hecka (a cali slang word) people didn't call the cops." she said for us to keep going. SO we then left. We were so confused and wondered if we should call the cops. We then realized, after the cops showed up that she was saying "I done called the cops, they done called the cops, hecka people done called the cops."
We were cracking up. It was SO funny. 

Daddy  (How is daddy doing? I miss that guy)
McKenna Fielding
Sarah Faulstick
Jozi (handwritten.)

Love you all, and have a great week

Hermana Porter. 
 I saw One Direction's new CD and I was so sad I couldn't buy it.
The bishop's dogs.  Paco and Diego.  Diego bites everyone except me!

The kids at Selena's house

The Ramirez kids
More Christmas gift ideas:
sweatshirts, I have none
more recipes
post it notes
photo album
ice breakers

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