Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week 2!!!

This week has been super hard but also super great. Ive cried most every day and my district has become accustom to it. haha. Home sickness still hasn't hit yet which I am grateful for.

We taught Fernando and Ana for the last time and it was really hard. I didn't understand much of what was said and i was lost the majority of the time. I started crying half way through and i was so embarrassed. I was feeling super frustrated and upset all day because i couldn't understand the language. 


I had a really hard time being happy. I cried all night and then i decided to ask Elder Garbaro and Elder Anderson for a blessing. Elder Garbaro was stressing out to so i decided to have it Saturday morning. 


I got my blessing and it was amazing. I was weird getting a blessing from someone other than dad but it was really needed. It was such a unique blessing. Elder G. gave it and he told me that heavenly father and Jesus want what is best for me and they want so badly that i succeed. If they could, they would come down and walk with me but they cant so they have sent the holy ghost to be my companion through out the hard times and all i need to do is heeds its teaching and i will know what they should have me to do. That blessing helped my so much. It reassured me that i am where i am suppose to be and doing what i need to day. 

My companions and i were feeling a lot of contention this week so Saturday we decided to sit down and talk about it. The advice James gave me really helps. He told me to remember that everyone is having a hard time adjusting and that i need to just treat people with love. That helped so much and we resolved everything we felt contentious about and we haven't felt it since. (the contention was mostly in planning our lessons. we all had different ideas of where it should go.)

We also had a stress management class from my night teacher (hermano Solomon who is actually Fernando, so yes, he is a fraud.) My biggest take away from this was that Heavenly Father has set the standards for what a missionary should be. He doesn't want you to lower them but he also doesn't want you to raise them. They standard are divine revelation for what they perfect missionary can be, do raise it for yourself. 


Relief Society
WE learned about the attributes of Christ. I decided i need to work on courage because i am not very courageous when speaking my language or saying what i think. Since i have decided to do this Spanish has come so much easier. It has helped me so much. I want to challenge you this week to watch 

Because of Him and Attributes of Christ (they had me balling like a baby) Then pick an attribute to work on. It will change your life. Pick one and then once you see progress choose another and continue to grow. 

I also learned that faith is not faith until it is tried. I have felt all week that i have been having so much faith in Christ and that he wasn't blessing me with the gift of tongues and, not going to lie, i was mad about it. I was doing his work and his will but he wasn't blessing me. As soon as i heard that phrase i knew i had to repent. This is my trying time and i need to have faith that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will see me though. 


We taught Cecilio (aka Her Solomon) and it went really well. We balanced it out evenly and no one dominated. We had no contention. 

H. Solomon helped out and gave us advice after and I just started balling. I was feeling so stressed and his advice really helped but i have no clue how i am suppose to fit everything i need to do into one day. He brought his girlfriend in, Janice (aka Ana) and she helped me so much. She doesn't speak much English but she just told me i needed to turn it all over to the Lord so that is what i did. She really bore her testimony in Spanish and told  me that i need to remember why I'm here and thank the lord for it and pour my heart out to him. That advice has helped me so much. 


We did only Spanish all day and it was so hard. We (me and my companions) were so mad at each other all day because we couldn't understand each other all day. By dinner we had given up. 

We watched a devotional by Elder Holland and it was so good. He said that " WE need to have at least one convert by the end of our missions and it had better be us.." That hit me right in the heart. That is so true and I am going to do everything i can to make that true. Elder Holland is the best and that talk was so great. 


We had TRC where we teach investigators (real ones) but they didn't have enough volunteers and so we taught another set of Hermanas who were on their 5th week and let me tell you that our Spanish was way better than theirs. It made me feel really blessed and assured that we are being blessed and our hard work is paying off. 


1 My companions loved their necklaces. I'm sorry i thought it was a nerdy idea, mom. Once companion wears it nearly every day. 

2. My favorite class this week was both the Video from the relief society lesson and they Elder Holland devotional . It really hit home and i had the spirit so strong. Another video that was super good was HOPE IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. Those things really hit home. 

3. I am not walking as much but we are playing a lot of sports with our elders. We also work out in the gym they have here and i do the elliptical and the bike. 

4. I did get your dear elder letter but i have a faster way for you to get stuff to me. 


here is a discount for one of them it is "sharefun "

Well, that is all i have for this week. Love you all and hope you are doing well! 

Hermana Porter


Your spiritual thoughts are the best! and they always go along with what I've learned. Keep it up. You are the best. How much weight have you lost now? You aren't stress eating because I'm gone are you?

I'm not sure how many missionaries there are we just lost a ton. I am going to guess there are about 800 or so now.  I haven't seen how many have come in yesterday yet so it will change

No my investigator is not real. He is my night teacher. He was a really good actor so i though he was real at first. 

Love you tons and miss you bunches. Thank you for getting me here and giving me this opportunity! I love you so much.


Yes, I had to clean up this hair!!


  1. Love it!!! Thanks mom , the blog is an awesome idea.

  2. Thanks Kathy, love her letter and she is finding out who to put her strengths in. :)

  3. Wow. She really is growing up! Even after a week of difficulties with companions, she still didn't get painfully homesick. That is a blessing from the Lord, for sure!
