Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 23, 2015

 I found this Snickers.  It describes me!!

Baptism!  What a great day!!

This week we have been so busy that our immune systems were a little low and we got sick! Isn't that the worst? Me and Hermana Martinez are both sick with colds and we feel and look like death. We hope to get some sleep this preparation day to help us survive the rest of the week!

We have seen so many miracles this week. So let me start off by telling you I can't remember what I write in weeks past so if I repeat myself, sorry.

We have this AMAZING family we are teaching right now and they soak everything up. The branch has really supported us in fellow-shipping them and we see miracles with them daily. Se llama la familia Penaloza. So this week we had 2 lessons with the whole family and then 2 other lessons with just Jessica and the kids because Fidel works in San Jose. Anyways, in our appointment last Sunday we found out they weren't married and she was totally opposed to marriage. She has seen too many people fall apart once they get  married and she doesn't want that to happen to her family. Well, that is a concern considering they have to be living the law of chastity to get married. So we decided to talk to her about it on one of our off lessons. We knew that she loves the prophets so we used the family, a proclamation to the world to teach the law of chastity to her. She said "Hna, I have to be married to be baptized?" We said "yes, it is a commandment of god." and she said "alright, I'll do it." She then told Noemi (her daughter) and she didn't believe her because Jessica has always been so against marriage! Her girls were so happy. We then started talking about eternal marriage and how they could go to them temple next December and be sealed as family. When we were talking about it Noemi started to sing "I love to see the temple, I'm going there someday." Because she has been falling asleep to the primary songs...isn't that precious?

On Wednesday, when we had our lesson with both of them we taught the law of chastity again and Fidel says "We aren't doing that, are you calling us sinners?" Our branch President then said "Yes." There was a moment of awkward silence and then the spirit came to me and we got it all resolved. I said "Well, we aren't calling you sinners. You didn't know about this commandment before, but now you do so you have to start to live it. If you don't, then that will be sinning." They were like "ohhhh, okay." Then, guess what. By the end of the night, they had decided that they were going down to the court house in the morning and getting married then. Isn't that crazy? they learned the commandment and then wanted to live it so quickly. Fidel was so amazed that Jessica actually wanted to get married. He kept teasing her and saying "I'm not that easy, you'll have to get down on a knee if you want me!" It was so cute! They have a goal to go to the temple in a year. Unfortunately they weren't able to get married the next day because he lost his passport but he should get another one on Monday or Tuesday so all will be well in Zion!

We had a ton of lessons with the Espanoza girls this week to prepare them for their baptism. The law of chastity was the worst when we taught it to them. We didn't know if they knew what sex was and so we were trying to hint around the bush and you could just tell they weren't getting it. Finally, we turned to their mom and said "how would you explain the law of chastity to your kids?" then she said "you don't have sex before marriage and you stay away from bad stuff." They were like "oohhhh" Once we found out they know the word sex, all was better.

The baptism was beautiful and had an amazing turn out. The grandma gave the talk on the holy ghost and it was perfect. She had been worrying about it all week but it turned out perfectly, especially for her less active children who were there. The spirit was so strong.

I'm so thankful for all these miracles we have been having. As I see so many people changing their lives it makes my testimony stronger that this gospel is true. People don't change things on a whim because of something false, they only do it for things they know are true and if these families are willing to listen, the least I can do it continue to do the things I know are right for the rest of my life.

Thank you for all your prayers and love and support. I am so THANKFUL for all of you this Thanksgiving season!

Hermana Porter.

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