Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 21, 2015


Holy Transfers. I can officially say I don't like transfers anymore! Just kidding. So here is the scoop! President PROMISED me that we'd get our transfer calls Saturday night. Well, Saturday night came and went and NO transfer calls. Me and Sister Maukeni both went to bed SO angry. All we wanted to know is what the next 6 weeks of our lives will be like.  We woke up Sunday morning and we got a call from President Palmer. He said that I was released as a Sister Training Leader but I was being called as a trainer. Then he said, there's a twist. You will be training not one, but TWO new missionaries. Can I tell you, I about fell out of my seat! I think I almost died right then and there. But I'm over it and I'm actually not stressing about at all. I feel so much peace. I think Heavenly Father is just trying to help me prepare here. So the verdict is: I am now Hermana Porter again and I am going to be training two new missionaries. Hopefully I am still alive next week! haha

This week has been a great week. We had two lessons with member presents! How amazing is that? One is with a man named Kevin. Kevin has been meeting with missionaries for a while and he is reading form the Book of Mormon. We were able to go with our branch mission leader, Ryan, to his appointment. We resolved some of Kevin's concerns about praying for an answer. He said he doesn't feel like he can pray because too many people already ask God for too much. He just wants to tell Him all the things he is thankful for. We told him they only ways to resolve his doubts is through prayer. Heavenly Father wants to be able to answer his questions and doesn't like it when he is constantly worrying about what's true or not true. During the lesson I realized I need to take more of my own questions to the Lord in earnest prayer and seek out the answers so I can grow my personal testimony. Our other lesson was with a guy named Amando. We went out with our member Ellyn and we were talking to her about how we don't have any investigators and right when we got home (aka back to her house) she said "Come on" and took us across the street to her neighbors house and we scheduled an appt for the following day! It was a really good lesson and Ellyn and Sister Palmer came with us. He had a lot of really good questions. He didn't want to be baptized but he said he would like to know more. The spirit was really strong. 

Here are a few things that I learned this week. 

Everyone has to have a clicking moment when it comes to the gospel. They have to have a moment when gospel makes sense for them and is something that they want. That is the point when all kids choose to live the gospel on their own or converts get baptized. They do it because they know it will please the Lord not because of obligation to someone else. Sometimes that clicking moment comes really quickly and others, it takes people awhile, but eventually it will come. 
Next I realized why I love my mission so much. this week Sister Maukeni and I were having a chat in the car and we were talking about how one day, we hope our daughters will go on missions. Then I was thinking, why do I wish that they would go? Because it is here on the mission, that as far as I can tell, I have learned what it means to fulfill our callings. I realize how important it is that we give all our time and energy to the Lord in all that we do. I've noticed when I started to do that, that joy came though the work. I know how important it is to constantly be doing missionary work like going and visiting less actives in their homes or going out with missionaries or making conversations with all those around us. We will feel so much more fulfilled when we do that. 

I'm so grateful for this opportunity I have to grow my testimony. That's all I need to do here, I grow and my mission will have been successful. 

I love you all. Hope you have a great week!

Hermana Porter

P.s. I got to go to another baptism this week for ANA. Beatriz and Enrique's granddaughter! It was a beautiful baptism and it was great to be able to see Lodi again!

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