Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9, 2015

Me and Hermana Moffett on exchanges
6 Month Hang-over

How are you liking your branch?
I love them. We have a lot of little problems that make missionary work hard but it makes uplifting the Branch easier. We had dinner last night with the Branch President and his wife and we are working with them to hopefully kick start home teaching. The only think really holding us back from becoming a ward is the Home Teaching is REALLY down. There is a problem and no one can seem to fix it. We all realize there is a problem so that is a good start...right?
We also visited with the Elders Quorum President to see how we can help him. His wife has been really sick and his life is really stressful right now. I think he enjoyed the visit and is glad to have us there to help him. 
How's the Spanish doing?  Do you talk more in English or Spanish?
This branch is mostly Spanish. So I speak a lot of Spanish. I thought I was doing a lot better until today when Hna Sellers told me I wasn't doing that good. But I feel like my communication with people is better. I'm having trouble accepting correction from my companion. I want to improve my Spanish but the more she tells me I say things wrong the more embarrassed I get and the less I want to speak it. I'm trying really hard to work my way around that. I'm not sure how to do it yet but hopefully I can figure my life out. 

Did you get my package? What did Hermana Sellers think of the pillowcase?
Haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully today? 

Did you get the Target package? Did you get one from Jessica?
Yes. I LOVE my bike shorts. They are amazing. I wear them even when I am not biking. Haha I wear them to bed, when I clean the house, when I'm around the house, etc. I LOVE them. 
I also got the package from Jessica. Special delivery from the Zone Leaders. I loved all the candy and what not. I see she did not include GRAPE Kool-Aid that from the hatred of grape or something like that? haha. I also LOVE the Indiana Necklace. I haven't taken it off. It is like I have a little piece of home on my neck! I love it. 

What kind and color of car do you drive?  Do you miss driving?
We drive a Gray Toyota Corolla. I miss driving so much. Plus, Hna Sellers is NOT a good driver. She has a fear of driving. She said if we are together another transfer we are going to call and get the drivers switched. She really is not that good at driving. I like having control of the car. Plus, we all know i am the WORST back seat driver. 

Have you ever rode your bike?  Do you like it?
I have. We bike tract a lot here. I love the bike. I road it a few times in N. Sac too. The seat was really uncomfortable so I stole the seat off of Hna. Pitchers bike (She died (this means she finished her mission, not really died) before I came to the mission and she left her bike here.) The seat is so much better. Riding in Galt is 40x Better than riding in N. Sac. N.Sac is hilly and not fun to ride in busy street traffic. 

Moving again?  Do you have to find your own apartment or does the mission find it?
The mission finds it. We might live with members or we might have an apartment. There are not a whole lot of apartments in Galt so it will probably be with a member. We should be moving after transfers, the last week of March. 

What is your favorite thing to teach people about?
I like to teach about the Restoration. I feel comfortable teaching it and I also feel comfortable using scriptures while teaching it. I also like the plan of salvation because that sparks peoples interest. It is a lot harder for me to communicate during the plan of salvation though.

How was Elder Bednar?  Did he speak to your mission?That is this Friday, the 13 of March. We get to take a mission picture with him. When he come it will be the only time the WHOLE mission will be together. Isn't that crazy. 200+ missionaries in one room. I am really excited. 

Alright, so continuing what I've learned here in the mission. 

What I have learned about others. 

1. Members are lazzyyy. I really can't blame them too much because I was the exact same way at home. But seeing it from a missionaries perspective it is something I really want to work on when I get home. It is really aggravating when the ward is not involved in missionary work or even their own calling for that matter. It makes it hard when things don't run smoothly. Plus, when you make a goal of x amount of member presents but you cant find members to go with you...ugh. Not every ward has a Diana Ochoa who helps you out. :)

2. The human kind is not a friendly species. 
Alright, so in contacting, if you want to get someone to continue talking to you, you DO NOT begin with "Hi, what is your name?" Because you will get a very rude "Who is asking?" That is really aggravating. I always want to say "A child of God that wants to be your friend...jerkface." But then I realize that is not very Christ-like and quickly repent. It is a lot better if you can start off with saying who you are and then try to get to know them. You learn things on the street...

3. We all need to do better to magnify our callings. I think enough is said. I really want to make sure I do this when I get home. I makes life so easy when we are all focused on building the Lords kingdom. I was not good at this before my mission. 

4. People want to give us a hard time. But when we start to share our message, some of them change. It testifies to me that the spirit is here and it can change lives. It can speak to people so quickly and it is amazing to see that change in them. 

Alright, that is about it! 
This week has been great! We have two investigators with a baptismal date. 

Sinai and Andrea. 
Sinai didn't come to church this week so her date is invalid but she is been to all of the lessons we have with her. She is a little slow but she is really seeming to understand. She is really serious about this. We are super excited about her!!

Andrea wasn't there for  our return appointment. We were really bummed about that. She has a track record at being really hard to find. We were really hoping that giving her the date would help her be more accountable but it didn't. When we see her next we are going to make sure we tell her that it is REALLY important that we keep the most basic commitment, which is appointments. 

The work here is really starting to pick up. I feel like I am being effective, finally. We have an amazing Ward Mission Leader. Hno. Ku. He is the BEST! I will try to send a picture next week. We have REALLY good correlations. I love that little man. 

Alright. I'm excited to write about next week. I have interviews with President Jardine this week and also, David A. Bednar. Can't wait to tell you all the things I've learned. 

Love you, 

Hermana Porter. 


Danny-boy Rentz
Sarah Harward
Lindsey Beers
Diana Ochoa (2x)

Heart-attacked Hna Cardona's door.  She had surgery :(
 My package from Brad and Jessica.  I love the Indiana necklace!!!

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