This has been the most stressful week of my mission thus far. I'm am so surprised that I didn't just quite. It seems so crazy that transfers were only on Wednesday. Hermana Hurley is home with her family and is feel so weird with out her. Just to know she is not in the mission any more breaks my heart...MY MOM HAS DIED. I'm an orphan :(
Why has this week been so stressful? I moved. It was the worst experience of my life. What I have learned from this experience is that I'm never going to own a house and I'm going to live in one place for a very very long time. We decided that the wise thing to do would be to pack on Friday morning because we were going to be leaving Friday afternoon. The Elders were going to come help us move, along with Elder Anderson in the afternoon. When we asked the Elders what time they were coming they said 10:00. We just about died. So Thursday night (after correlation) we went strait home and packed until 10:30. Then we work up at 6:30 and started packing again. The Sister Training Leaders came over around 7:45 to help us finish packing. We got most of it done before the elders came. We spent all day Friday moving until 5 when we had dinner and appointment.
Friday we didn't get ANY missionary work done. We had service in the morning and then we had to clean our house. So this is what Saturday looked like.
8:00- Elder Anderson came with dresser
9:00- 2:00- Egg-stravaganza
2:30- 4:30- Cleaning the house
5:00-6:30- General Woman's Broadcast
7:00-9:00- Quincenera
It was crazy. We had totally forgot about the GWB and the STL reminded us about it that night. We were so stressed about it. I have been stressed about of my mind and I'm living out of boxes. In case you were wondering...this girl does not do well living out of boxes.
The place we are living at is only temporary. We are living with an English family, The Crociers, they have 4 kids. Davy (15), Jeremiah (12), Laura (10), and Lucy (3). They are so cute and an awesome family. We are living in their garage that they converted into an office and a school room. The only thing that stinks about it is the fact that it is bad for my allergies and that the bathroom is inside. But is really nice to come home to a family every night. They are SO funny.
Other than the move this week has been really good. We decided to drop all of our investigators because NONE of them were progressing. We felt really good about that decision. We kept one, Jesus Ramirez, because he came to church last week. We haven't been able to find him since so we aren't sure what to do with him. We have a lot of faith that the Lord is going to help us find this week and we are really focusing on listening to the spirit to find those people. We are excited to get out and WORK!
One really cool experience we had this week. It was 8:00, the hardest hour for us to find things to do. Everyone in Galt goes to bed really early so we didn't know what to do. We said a prayer and we decided we should go see this guy we met named Carlos. He told us we could come back on Monday at 7:00 but he wasn't there. We felt like we should go back and see if maybe we could catch him that night. We stopped by and there were a bunch of people out side of his house. We asked if Carlos was home. They said yes, but he was sick. We said that we would come by another day. A guy told us to wait. He went into the garage and then came back out. He said that Carols had expected us the night before but had to leave. This guys name was Juan Carlos. He stood out and talked with us for about 20-30 minutes. He said he was really interested in our message. He would come over to hear our message whenever we came to see Carlos.
That experience was really cool for me because it showed me that the Lord knows where we need to be and when we need to be there. It was a great lesson for me. That is why we want to try to listen to the spirit more...that way we can be there for who needs us.
Alright, so I guess we can talk about the elephant in the room....Zayn left one direction....I wish I could say that I don't care and that I'm over that wordly stuff...but I'm heart broken. It was included in every single one of my emails today except for 2...needless to say, I cried...like a baby. I don't think my companion realized how sever my obsession was until today.
Back to spiritual missionary stuff....
I made goals for this transfer this week. Here is what they are.
At some point in my high school years I remember a prophet saying that he always wanted the Lord to know He could count on him if He ever needed an errand run. That has been on my mind a lot lately and I decided this is what I want. I need to change some things to get there. I want to be ready for whatever the Lord calls me to do and I need to be a lot more diligent if I want the Lord to feel like
He can count on my. I'm going to focus on that this transfer, being worthy to run the Lord errands for Him.
Alright! I love you all. Can't wait until next week.
Hermana Porter.
Hna Sellers bought that hat at the Flea Market.... she hasn't taken it off.
The Lighter was giving me a hard time.
Aurelio... he started calling me 'baby-face' this week... he made up a song and everything. He said, "you got a baby-face!"
Happy 6 months (actually on my 7th month). I finally got around to burning something,
Don't worry mom... They aren't the Life Time Warranty socks :)
There are like 10 little chicks living right outside our bedroom. They are SO cute!
Me and Hna Webb at the Quince
Luz and Edward Cardona. It was Luz's Quince and Edward was her escort. They were so adorable.
The Elders came to help us clean. We left while they cleaned. When we came to lock up the house this is what was left on our driveway! #lovelodi We have some pretty awesome Elders here ! haha
This is Natasha. She is Russian and super cool We met her once in February and she came back to visit us and the Ku. She is so cool!!!
Me and Emma and a puppy we found (dog whisper).
Me in our new place... It was weird going from a house to a room. :(
Me and Hna Webb dancing at the Quince.
The Whole Zone: Hna Moffett, Sister Wilson, Sis Beck, Elder Padilla, Elder Gammell, Elder Snow, Elder Wendt, Elder Soper, Hna Sellers, Me, Hna Bowen, Sister Pisa, Sister Amos
Elder Padilla, Elder Gammell, and me. Elder Gammell left to go to North Sac with Elder Ward.... that lucky duck!
Elder Wendt and Elder Soper. Elder Soper left me again.... I'm sure we will be reunited again.
Super cute kid named Dylan. His family just moved back into the ward!!