Thursday, February 12, 2015

February 10, 2015

*I sent them all pillowcases and Oreo's for a party for helping Hannah during her hard time*



Yep. There it is. Hermana Porter is no longer in North Sac. My new area is.....are you ready?? G.....A....L....T

Also, my new companion is going to be Hermana Sellers. I have heard really good things about her and I am so excited to be her companion!! 
It has been a really hard 12 hours since I found out. I really did not think I was leaving at all. I had a major break down once I found out...but is that really surprising? Apparently I haven't changed that much! ha-ha. 

~Are you stressed about transfers?
Yes. Especially now that I haven't starting packing at all. I am really nervous about my first Sunday there because I heard they are not used to missionaries that don't speak Spanish well. But I guess that just means I need to working on my Spanish even harder...right? 

~When will you know if you are staying or leaving?
I found out last night. That way I have P-Day to pack and say goodbye to people. 

~What was the best thing that happened this week?
We had a really good lesson with Sister Marriott. (she is an English lady that feeds us occasionally.) We watched the Mormon Message "The Will of God" We had such a good discussion about it and the spirit was so strong. That video is so powerful and it really brings the spirit. The thing I learned is that I need to make sure I am always living by doing the will of God. My will has be aligned with His and I have to accept the challenges He puts into my path and accept His path for us. 

~Did you get milk before you opened the District box?
No. I got almond milk in that package you sent me so I just used that and kept the $4 for myself. 

~Do you have more sisters leaving than coming? (our mission has had a lot of sisters leave but we are not getting as many.  Our ward only has 2 sets of Elders now)
All of our Sister are being replaced (Spanish at least...who know about English...they don't matter:) So no. we are not shrinking. But the elders are. 

~Have you used any of the little stories Sarah made for you for families in your ward?
Yes! We use them all the time with the Rodriguez Family. They also work well for some investigators. But I love them A LOT. Sometimes I just study them for personal Study. 

~How many meals a week do you cook?
Does the Microwave count? Because if so, then 7. If not, then 0. Sometimes I make sandwiches too. So yeah. Sorry I am a disappointment. I did learn to make rice this week! That is exciting. 

~Do you drink lots of water?
Yes. I drink so much that we have to stop about every hour for me to go to the bathroom. I think I have a small bladder the size of a Cincy's bladder. But I'm not going to stop.

~Are you taking your meds?
Of course I am. Siempre. 

~Were you happy to get your ugly duvet cover?
So happy! And It smells just like home! I love it so much. Now I don't have to freak about all the time about getting my Down Comforter dirty. 

Sunday was the craziest day of my life. We got home from church late and I ate a ton of food because I always forget to eat before church, so I was starving. Then, and hour later after I had eaten all that food I went to Hermana Perez house and ate 4 pupusas and some rice (because Karina taught me how to make it) and then we went over to another families house to have a small FHE with them. They fed us donuts. As I was eating the donut, which I wasn't sure I was going to be able to stomach in the first place, their little kid threw up all over their living room floor. I was about to die but I was handling it pretty well. But then, all of the sudden I hear Hermana Gigger say "We'll clean that up for you." I gave her the craziest look and almost died. I was a bad companion and just let her clean it up on her own. ha ha It was nasty. I am never having carpet in my house... 

We found a few people this week and that is really exciting. Right now I am in the process of getting the area book caught up so the Hermanas who are shot-gunning our area have more of a start than I did when I was shot-gunned. 

I am trying to have a really positive outlook on this. I am really excited for change but really sad that I am leaving. I hope I will cope well. 

I love you all and hope you have a great week. 

Hermana Porter. 




Her email to her Mission President.

President Jardine, 

This week has been really good. If I am being honest with you I was 100% and totally shocked that I was leaving. That was a complete plot twist. I'm kind of upset about it but excited about the new experience I will be having. 

I have made a few goal for this transfer. 
1. Be me. 
I need to make sure I am making my own decisions and doing what is best for me. I figured out about that last transfer. I had a really hard time because I never took up for myself or made any decisions for myself. I need to make some even if they are as simple as, I'm going to do this for language study. Or, I am going to do this for breakfast. I need to make sure I am taking control of my own life and not letting people, aka the senior companion, control it for me. 

2. Develop relationships. 
Once I forgot about not being able to speak the language well and just worried about connecting with people, I saw my relationships change a lot. Now it is hard to leave. But I'm glad I did it. I need to remember that when I am going somewhere new. Don't be scared if they judge my Spanish but just work on getting to know them and being a friend with them. I found missionary work is more successful when people feel that they can trust you. 

3. Be clean. 
I am going to stay clean and organized. (By clean I don't mean hygiene because I am okay in the category but clean as in not sloppy.) I need to have the gumption to do things when they need to be done. I will do it. That is what I need to do. 

This transfer is going to be great President. I feel it. I just have to let my mind catch up with that feeling. 

Thanks for all you do President Jardine. I will continue to pray for you and Sister Jardine.

Hermana Porter.

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