Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015

Me last P-day.  I sent a ton of letters out.  I'm almost out of stamps..... Help a Sista out??

How's my girl this week?
This week has been great. We have been on fire and we are really starting to feel good about our efforts here in Galt. We are relying more and more on the Lord and learning to change the things that He wants us to. We are seeing so many miracles, IN OURSELVES. It is so beautiful when you can see something change in yourself. 

Did you get transferred?
I did not get transferred. Saying here is Galt :)

Any changes in your city, companion?
Me and Hna. Sellers are staying together. We felt like she was leaving so it is a bit of a shock to us. We were a little sad that we were staying but I think the move should switch things up for us. We are also switching drivers for the transfer so we shall see how it goes! 

What is the best thing that happened this week?
I cannot remember what has happened. That is so bad. I forgot my old planner at home and that is really making this hard. But here are a few stories that are funny. 

1. Yesterday we were contacting. It was a little later than we usually contact but we saw some guys close to our car so we figured that we would go for it. I walked up to them and said "Hi, we are missionaries. I know you are busy working on you car but would it be alright if we gave you a card?"  I think one might have been a little drunk and he said "I've already got a green card." I said "Oh, well that's great. Here is a multicolored card that you can have too." He said "OH WOW! I am finally a somebody." Me and Hna Sellers DIED laughing. It was so funny. He said he would check out the website though, lets see if he remembers it in the morning. 

2. We do service for Meal on Wheels. They give food for elderly people. We go and help April pass out food. As we were waiting and talking with April and lady came up and said "I bought some shirts for Randy. I notice that he always wears long sleeve shirts, summer or winter, and I a saw some at Kohl's the other day so I bought some for him." April said, okay, I'll give them to him. In walks Randy and April said "Randy, here are some shirts for you!" He said "OOOHHHH! Summer clothes?" Nope, not summer clothes but it was still a good laugh

How's the allergies?
Not too bad yet. They were really bad before I got medicine but I got pill and so I'm doing a lot better. 

How was church yesterday? Do you understand them?
It was good. It was our Branch Conference. It was really good. The talks were about missionary work and making sure we are fulfilling our callings. I kinda understood them but it was also in English because there were English people there. 

What will you do for p-day?
We are went to the Pulga (the flea market). I spent a ton of money but I only bought one thing for myself. Then we have emailed and then we are going to a zone BBQ. I will take a ton of pictures and send them next week. 

What is your new address?
I don't know. 

How much does your mom love you? :)A LOT!!!! More than One Direction! 

This week has been really good. Me and Hna. Sellers have been really stressed about transfers and what not and so tensions have been high. We have been snapping at each other a lot. I'm really irritable but I think it was just because I was nervous about transfers and also about not having a house. Today has been better and we feel a lot calmer. We are excited to start this new transfer together. 


WE HAD A REAL, LIVE, EATING, BREATH, LIVING, INVESTIGATOR AT CHURCH ON SUNDAY!!!!. This is my first one ever. WE are and were so excited. He was even there early so he wouldn't be late. I cannot tell you how ecstatic I was. That was my only goal for the transfer and it happened! 

Also, Sinai is being taught with the elders and she also came to church on Sunday. She really misses us but she is so excited to be baptized. We are going to help her. She said the elders are weird but they are nice. We are excited that she is taking this step towards following her Heavenly Father. She is amazing. 

Also, Jorge, Hna Paniagua's boyfriend, is getting baptized. We can't be his missionaries because he lives outside the mission but he has a date for April 28. He is so excited and it cannot some soon enough for him. 

We are a little sad all these people we found turned out to not be for us to teach but we are so happy that we could build a relationship with them and help to unto the waters of baptism.

Alright, this letter is bad because, like i said i forgot my planner. Next week should be a lot better! 

Love you all, 

Hermana Porter
Hno. Ku and potato sack races.

Reunited!!!!  Hna. Sheffer is training this transfer!  How crazy it that?

 A part-member family.  Ian and Liz are members but Nate is not.  He is thinking about maybe getting baptized.
 Hermana Sellers, me, Hermana Moffett, and Hermana Bowen at District Meeting.
La Familia Esparaza!!

Me and Rango.  Leave it to this Hermana to convert all the dogs in the world :)

All the Sisters/Hermanas in the Zone!


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