Tuesday, January 12, 2016

January 4, 2016

This week was difficult, but instead of talking about the hardship I would like to talk about the things I am thankful for and the blessings that my Heavenly Father has given me. 

1. I am thankful for a body that works properly. Even though we are subject to sickness and pain because of the Fall of Adam and Eve, I have been blessed with a body that work properly. By body properly works for all the Heavenly Father has given me to do. I have the ability to ride a bike, walk, run, drive a car, get things in the kitchen (even if I do need a step stool), and most importantly, breath on my own. Sometimes we get bombarded with the things that our bodies aren't doing properly when in reality the work a lot better than bodies others have been give. 

2. I am thankful for my companion. She is always willing to listen to my concerns, my insights, my encouragement, my compliments, and what ever else I feel like saying. She listens and when prompted to by the spirit, gives suggestion on what I can improve. This companion has been one of the few that I have had where we are working on our weakness and becoming better. She is amazing at setting goal and holding herself accountable to them. When she prays to the Lord it is with an earnest heart, sincerely having a desire to know what He expects of her and us. She sees what she can improve on and has the desire to ask for help. She is humble and sensitive to the spirit. She is courageous and and full of valor. 

3. I am thankful for the power of prayer. It is something that has become extremely sacred to me on my mission. Sometimes, I'm not a fan of how many time we pray as missionaries. I have been feeling that my prayers have become rote and insincere and I have not been liking that. At the beginning of the week I started with my morning and night prayers. Making sure to pause and think about what I was saying. Is this what I would say to my Heavenly Father if He were next to me, in person? Immediately I felt a difference in my attitude when I was praying. I was then able to be guided by the spirit to the things I needed to say. That not only happened for my morning and night prayers, but then worked its way into my daily prayers. 

4. I am thankful for the missionaries I serve with who give me the chance to grow. Hermana Parkinson, Hermana Robison, Hermana Alacraz, Hermana Williams, and Hermana Pimentel are such wonderful missionaries. They are truly disciples of Jesus Christ. They are examples of Him in "all times, all things, and in all places." I am continually inspired by their examples and their desires to serve the Lord. They know why they have come on missions and why they continue to serve Him. When rough times come, which they always do, they are diligent in all things. Keeping their eyes on the Glory of God. They have become my examples and role models. I'm so thankful I have the chance to serve and learn with them. 

5. I am thankful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. Repentance has always been a struggle to me. My thought were always "What do I need to repent for if I am not breaking the law of Chasity, or Word of Wisdom, or any major commandments?" Well, I need to repent for that very thought, I've learned. There is always something to repent for. As we repent, something I have felt is my connection with my Savior and Elder Brother, Jesus Christ, grow. I have felt His love for me and in return, I feel the love, and charity, He has for my brothers and sister. He has felt all my pains and all my sorrows and can mourn with me and also rejoice with me. I have truly been blessed. I have a lot of fault that need over coming. Sometimes that is all I can think about, my faults. But then the Holy Ghost, sometimes in the form of my companion, whispers "Just be thankful and rely on Him who brings tidings of great joy." Isn't that a wonderful gospel truth? 

6. Lastly, I am and always will be thankful for my mission. There have been ups and downs, good companion and bad companions, quick transfers and slow transfers, growing and regressing, but always there has been something to learn. Looking back at past transfers I have always needed those opportunities that came to grow. I couldn't see my strength then and sometimes I still have a hard time seeing it, but I know I have grown. I will always be a different person because of what I have learned here. The mission has refined me. Has given me a perspective I have never had before. I cannot imagine being married and having a family without first having the insights I have gained here. The Lord is preparing me now, to help His future missionaries be brought up in a gospel centered home. My mission has changed my testimony unlike any other thing. No EFY or Girls Camp or Youth Conference can beat what I have learned here. I can testify that Jesus is the Christ. He is my brother. I know he has suffered for me and is always there to listen and to send me the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I know that the Book of Mormon in the word of God. The insights it contains are unimaginable and the Spirit you feel when you read it is indescribable. I know that my family has been sealed for eternity through the power of God's restored priesthood. I know that through sacred covenants, we can be closer to our Heavenly Father and be on the path to eternal life. I know that Christ lives. 

Thank you for all your prayers and your support. I am thankful, as well, for your example and all the prayers your make for me and other missionaries around the world. There is no greater work than what I am currently doing. Thank you for the role each of you played in helping me get here. 

Hermana Porter.

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