Tuesday, December 8, 2015

November 30, 2015

I don't have much to talk about this week considering we were in all the week except for Saturday and Sunday. It has been a hard, hard, week. The Lord is giving me growing experience that I'm not sure I can handle. Sometimes I think He thinks I am stronger than I actually am! Hopefully with prayers and following the spirit this week will be better than the previous. 

On Saturday we had exchanges and I got to be with Hna Arevalo. She is one of my Sister Training Leaders, along with Hna Carpenter. We stayed in Crows Landing and we got to visit some pretty cool people.  Hna Arevalo is 25 and a fashion designer from Texas. She is so funny and we had a really great day. We planned to find all day long because that is something we are sorely needing! Luckily, we did find and we were exactly where we needed to be all day long. We just walked the streets of Patterson talking to everyone that we could find. It was quite fun and we felt the spirit testify of the good planning we had done the night before because everyone we talked to needed us that day. I had the chance to testify of Christ and His love for us and how He is SO aware of every single thing we are going through and through our trails, we learn our purpose. 

Yesterday we had a lesson with Fidel and Jessica which we taught them the Word of Wisdom. The lesson started of with them telling us that if we were ever sick, all we had to do was take 2 shots tequila and we would be better. Honestly, as soon as he said that I thought "Oh no. This is going to be a rough one." We got into the lesson though, and we went do good! They are so willing to live it and they are just ready to be baptized. Fidel said that him quitting drinking and smoking will not only help his body physically but also spiritually and he will not have to worry about forking out money to feed addictions. Hna Martinez and I were like "what the heck.....they are so prepared!"

We also had a lesson with Espinoza girls last night. We were seeing what they remembered from the lessons we had taught them and they remember so much compared to the beginning. We are so proud of them and the progress they are making. The sad thing that Rosario got a temporary job for the holiday season and has to work Sundays. We talked last night about keeping the Sabbath day holy and hopefully they will let her go in late or something for Sundays. We are prayer for her. It is good that Rosario's parent's are in our ward so they are great and take the kids to church for her. We don't have to worry about them going anywhere! 

This Thanksgiving season I am SO thankful for my family. They are such good examples to me and even though we have our problems and our rough moments we are so luckily. I've meet so many people while on the mission who have crappy families and they have no where to turn when times are hard. Luckily, my life isn't like that. 

I'm thankful for my mission. Even though there have been hard days, weeks, and transfers it has allowed me to grow and become more spiritual. I've learned things there that I wouldn't have been able to learn in any other place or though any other experience. I've experienced a deeper appreciation for my parents and for my friends who show me love. I've learned more about the atonement and how I can always rely on the Savior even when I feel like life is impossible and no one understands all I have to do is pray. The burned isn't immediately relieved but it is made clear to me that someone understands. All I have to do it keep going a little further and the blessings will come. They always come. 

I'm thankful for the message of the Restoration that I get to share with everyone here in Crows Landing and people in California. The Lord has blessed me exceedingly. 

Thank you for all your support and prayers. 

Hermana Porter

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