Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 1, 2015

 Trip-ship in front of the temple.

Those who go to the temple together, stay together.

So I hit nine months on Wednesday. Whoop-te-doo. I hope you can feel like sarcasm dripping out of those words because it is hard core soaked in there. I really cannot believe it has been 9 months already. Where in the world did the time go? I feel like it was just yesterday that I was boarding the plane to go to Mexico City. Crazy that I've been though Training, Follow Up Training, and now all of my companions are dead minus one. (also, one died prematurely). Oh, also, how could I forget the trio. I've been in two trios. What in the world...

This week has been pretty anti-climatic. We went to an IPAD training where we in fact did not receive I PADS. What kind of training is that if we don't even have the device we are going to be using. I'll tell you what kind of training it was. It was inspired from God. We ended up talking about the repentance process the whole time and what kind of servant of the Lord we wanted to be. We were all called to repentance in a good sort of way. I'm really grateful that the Lord has given us that opportunity to learn more about our calling and how we should act as missionaries. 

On Wednesday we had interviews with President Jardine. They went well. Not my favorite interview that I've ever had but it was decent. I felt a little misunderstood throughout the whole thing but I did learn quite a bit. We talked about what it meant to expect perfection of ourselves and he brought something to light that I had never thought of. He said that when we expect perfection of ourselves we cut out the atonement from our lives. We start to believe that perfection is something that we can achieve on our own but we can't. We have to have Christ's help. I had never thought of the atonement that way before. Also, as we start to cut out the use of the atonement we start to loose the peace that we feel because peace is what comes when we us the atonement. Never thought of it that way before either.

There isn't really any more interesting news. 

Here is some sad news. Ruben doesn't have a date for baptism now. He was really sick so he couldn't come to church this Sunday. He is still progressing really well and he is going to pick another date at our next lesson. 


The whole Esparza family came to the temple this week. Luis and Cholo and get this EDUARDO! He is home now and Hermana is SO happy. They all came to the temple and the spirit was so strong. The Elders got to ride with them to the temple and I think that was really good for them.

On Sunday, they all came to church! Heck yeah! The elders went out and talked to them and they said "We promised Hermana Porter we would only sit out in the lobby for 3 week. In 2 weeks we are acutally going to enter the chapel. I love that family so much!! 

I hope you all have a great week. 

Les queiro, 

Hermana Porter
 The Esparza's at the temple!
 The Temple!
 District Temple Photo: Elder Williams, Elder Anderson, Hermana Webb, Me, Hermana Cuesta.

 The signature Elder Williams.
 Our Gangster Faces.
 Our Temple Selfies!

On the way back home.

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