Hna Bowen, Hna Porter, Hna Moffett, Hna Sellers, Jorge Guzman (member), Elder Padilla, Elder Gammell. Jorge took us to MOO MOO for dinner.
Do you have the 6 month thoughts on what you have learned on your mission?
I do but I am going to send them next week because they are quite lengthy and I am not quite 6 months yet. haha Don't wish the time away too quickly please and thank you. But I have quite a bit to type next week so be prepared for a long emotionally draining email.
How are you adjusting to Galt?
Mas o menos. We have a TON of service here which involves me wearing a lot of pants. That makes missionary work really hard. I've also been struggling because we don't have any investigators. I kinda feel like I kill every area I go to and I'm not doing anything right. But other than that I LOVE Galt. Everyone here is so friendly. This week we have a lot of plans to go out and find. I'm motivated to turn my luck around, if the Lord allows it.....
How is the ward/branch?
Good. We have a ward mission leader so that is one step ahead of Rio Tierra right? Haha Just kidding. The ward is great. We don't have a lot of member in Galt so I don't know very many of them yet but bit by bit we are getting there. Sundays I try to meet as many people as possible but that is hard because I forget all of them in like 5 minutes...and I thought I was good with names...
Are there other missionaries in your unit?
Yep. There are 3 of us here in Lodi 4th Rama (branch). There is Hna. Moffett and Hna. Bowen. (they are the STLs here for the southern half of the mission.) and Elder Padilla and Elder Gammell (Elder Padilla is the District Leader.) We have a lot of fun together. They cover Lodi though so we don't get to see them often because we are so far away. :(
Do you have a ward mission leader?
HAHA I didn't see this before I wrote my snarky comment on the question above. Yes we do. His name is Hermano Ku. He is the COOLEST man here on the earth. He always calls me Hermana Harry and thinks he is so funny because of it. Everyone says Hermana Potter here and no one can get Porter. That okay, it gives them something to laugh about.
Did you get a box from me? Did the clothes fit?
Holy Heck. Mom you are the best. The cloths fit perfectly! I loved that Flowered skirt. The maroon one. It is SOOOOOOO comfortable. I want like 40 more. haha They all fit perfectly. Although, my sweatpants are a lot tighter than I remember. I can't believe I wore such tight clothes a home. WOW!!
Who is your favorite family in your ward?
Probably the Esparzas. But we have been over there 2-3 times since I've been here so I know them the best. They are really cool .They were less active for a while and they've recently started coming back. They are going through a lot right now but they really don't want to fall away again. They read a lot of conference talks and they also LOVE "His Grace Is Sufficient". They are amazing. I cannot wait to know them better.
Is it a total Spanish ward?
I'm not sure I understand this question... yes. We are a branch and it is all in Spanish....
How hard was it moving all your stuff? Did you have a ton?
I did. I am going to reduce some stuff this transfer. I'm going to get more organized too because moving helps when your stuff is contained.
Best lesson taught this week?
To these people named Louis and Teresa. They are super old and had no clue what we were talking about but the spirit was so strong in that lesson. We went in and they told us to read to them from the Book of Mormon. We taught them about the BOM and Hna Sellers bore the sweetest testimony about prayer. They didn't grasp the concept that we don't recite prayers. They kept saying, "what is that prayer you recited last time? It was so beautiful. Repeat that!" haha They were so cute. But we felt the spirit so strong and we hope something comes of it. They might be too old to understand.
Funniest thing that happened this week?
Yesterday on the way home from church our car started making a funny noise. We thought our tire was flat, so we pulled over on the side of the highway. I jumped out, and started to find out what was going on. I thought our tire might be flat but all of them looked fine. I thought maybe something got stuck on the bottom but no. That thing that protects the engine from debris fell down and was hitting the road. The whole time I was out of the car, cars were flying past us at like 70 miles an hour. It was really scary but really funny. We called the Marstons and he told me to repent. He said "That is from hitting the curb too many times. You need to repent sister porter." Funny thing is. We just got the car last week from them, I don't drive the car, and sister sellers parks too far away from the curb. It was a crazy funny experience.
How many dinner appointments did you have last week?
Yeah. We have one almost every night every week. Hna Lopez does a great job getting our food calendars full.
What are you doing for p-day?
I really want to take a nap. We might go play sports. I am going to write a letter or two.
Have you rode your bike?NO. We will be this week.
I have a lot more to say but I have run out of time. I will write more next week and in my hand written letter home. I want to talk some about "His Grace Is Sufficient." So maybe mom will be so kind as to type that up for me?
Alright. Love you all.
Hermana Porter.
I fixed breakfast for my companion!!
This is me 'in pony form'. She told me I was unique and funny so I would be the one to make my own pony costume to try to blend in with the other ponies.
** Ok, this makes no sense to me but in her letter yesterday she said her companion is "super cool". She said they don't have much in common, "Hna Sellers loves comic books and My Little Ponies. She loves talking about her story ideas and that makes her really happy". Anyway, I assume the pictures have to do with My Little Ponies.**